Sunday, May 9, 2010

Widener Law School sets up toll free hotline, offers free legal advice

Thanks to one of our Facebook 'fans' for sharing the following information: "Widener Law School has set up an Environmental helpline with both a toll free phone number, 1-888-953-6853, and an online form to request help.  They offer free legal advice to anyone regarding environmental issues, and have specifically talked to local residents about gas issues.  The goal is to advise people who cannot afford attorneys and who don't know what their options are.  Please spread the word about this resource!"  Read more about Widener's Environmental Law Center and the services they offer by checking out their blog:

This information was posted on , a site designed by Citizens for Clean Water to provide "information and action items for protecting our northeastern Pennsylvania home from the negative effects of natural gas drilling and fracking."

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