Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Where's the nearest brick wall??

So let me get this straight.  The gas companies spend nearly a million dollars to make sure their guy wins the gubernatorial race and the citizens of PA actually bought the snow job?  Check out this map on MSNBC's site.  Scroll down to see county by county results.  In nearly every single county struggling with the repercussions of drilling in their backyards, 2 and 3 times the number of people voted AGAINST THEIR OWN INTERESTS by choosing Corbett as their governor.  Where's the nearest brick wall???


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I could not believe the results for the central and western PA counties as I watched them come in. Toomey must have had some real negative ads running there against JS. The way our country is for sale to the highest bidders makes me ill

Michelle said...

You and me both. I guess you really *can* buy an election. The only other alternative I can think of is perhaps people are just resigned to what's happened--and didn't even bother to vote.

Unknown said...

That, or many people are still unaware of the issue. I speak to a lot of people, right here in PA , and even those that live along the Delaware River Basin, about the Marcellus Shale and fracking, and too many have no idea what it's all about. Good that Gasland and Josh Fox are making more and more people aware, but there is along way to go.